GoMo Code of Practice

GoMo is dedicated to providing an excellent customer experience.  Our customer care team is your first point of contact for any issue you need to raise.  They are trained and ready to resolve this for you. 

GoMo Customer Care Contact Details  

Our Care team can be contacted through Web Chat.

Opening Hours Monday to Friday 9am to 7pm (excluding Bank Holidays), Saturday & Sunday 9am to 5.30pm, Bank Holidays 10am to 5pm. 

Issue Handling

We always aim to resolve an issue in our first response and most issues are resolved straight away.  For example if you call GoMo with an issue, we aim to resolve it during that call.  If we need to investigate your issue further this may take a number of contacts from us.  

If you tell us you’re not satisfied with the proposed resolution, it will be further reviewed by a supervisor.  If the supervisor is unavailable or unable to resolve the matter to your satisfaction, the following complaint handling steps will apply.  

Complaint Handling

According to the Commission for Communications Regulation (‘ComReg’), a complaint means:
an issue raised by an end-user to an undertaking relating to that undertakings product or service or its complaints handling process where the issue remains unresolved following an initial attempt by the undertaking to resolve it or where there has been no attempt by the undertaking to resolve it and the end-user expresses dissatisfaction, through one of the channels set out in the code of practice, that the issue remains unresolved.”

If you have not yet made contact with GoMo about your issue please do so using the contact details set out above.  This is the fastest path to a resolution.  

But if you have already done so and you advise us that you are not satisfied with our handling of your issue, this will be directly passed to our Customer Resolution team.  

If you need to, you can log a complaint with our Customer Resolutions team through the following contact points:




Call us on: 1800 210 342

Opening Hours Monday to Friday 9am to 5.30pm (excluding Bank Holidays)


Write to us at:  GoMo Complaints, eir Exchange, Roches Street, Limerick.

Please include as much of the following detail that you can:

  • Your relevant GoMo account number (whether a current or past customer)
  • Full name and address
  • Email address (if you have one)
  • Mobile contact number (if you have one)
  • Nature of complaint
  • Preferred method of contact (if you have one).

As above, our Customer Resolution team operates Monday to Friday 9am to 5.30pm (excluding Bank Holidays). Complaints submitted online or by post are reviewed and responded to during those hours.

Complaint Acknowledgment

You will be provided with a complaint acknowledgment within two working days.  This will contain:

  • Acknowledgment of the complaint, 
  • Confirmation that the complaint has been recorded
  • A timeframe for our response and resolution and any other steps in the process
  • The unique reference number to identify and track the complaint.
  • GoMo contact details in relation to the complaint.
  • Next steps in the process
  • A link to the GoMo Complaints Code of Practice on GoMo.ie

Procedure for Resolving Your Complaint

We will provide a response and we will seek to provide a proposed resolution to your complaint within 10 working days.

If a complaint remains unresolved after 10 working days we will provide you with:

  • reason(s) for the delay
  • steps being taken in investigating and resolving the complaint
  • a provisional resolution date where available
  • an email address to progress the complaint in addition to any other  forms of contact

Dispute Resolution

Having made a complaint through the complaints procedure outlined above, certain matters may be referred to ComReg’s formal dispute resolution procedure. To be accepted for this process, a complaint must relate to a ‘relevant dispute’. A referral may be made where:

  1. the dispute has been resolved in accordance with the Code of Practice and the complainant is dissatisfied with the resolution or 
  2. the dispute has not been resolved and at least 10 working days have passed since the day on which the complaint giving rise to the dispute was first notified to GoMo.

Further information about what qualifies as a ‘relevant dispute’ and ComReg’s formal dispute resolution procedure, including how to request an application form and fee payment form from ComReg, please see ComReg’s webpage here.

How GoMo records and tracks your complaint

We will record the following information:

  • Name, account number, unique reference number and contact details including a phone number if available. 
  • The date the complaint was raised and dates of all communication throughout the life cycle of the complaint to final closure; 
  • A copy of the written complaint or notes made from the voice / online communications with the complainant relating to the complaint
  • All communications with the complainant (or notes made of voice/online communications with the complainant relating to the complaint). This includes details of the response to the complaint, final resolution and any determination in respect of the complaint with associated documentation;

The complaint reference number that we provide to you is used in our complaint tracking process to identify unique complaints for the purpose of managing each complaint and for internal reporting purposes.  

Credits / Refunds / Compensation

As part of the complaint resolution process, you may be entitled to a credit or a refund. You will be entitled to a credit or refund if it is established that you overpaid or were not correctly charged.  Depending on the circumstances of your complaint, we may decide that it is appropriate to provide a goodwill credit.

Compensation may be payable to you if there is a failure or delay in the handling of a switch/port.  To see the GoM0 compensation scheme please click here.  

The application of credits, refunds or payments is determined by the complaint handler on a case-by-case basis.  Any credit applied will be applicable on the next or following bill.  Refunds will be issued directly to your bank account if possible otherwise they will be issued by cheque.


If you have requested a Supervisor call back regarding an escalated issue, or have logged an official complaint, and have not received any further contact please let us know by calling 1800 210 342 (Freephone) with your reference number.

Independent Advice

You can seek independent advice regarding your complaint from any of the following:

Commission for Communications Regulation
1 Dockland Central,
Guild Street,
Dublin 1,
D01 E4X0
Tel: 01 804 9668
E-mail: consumerline@comreg.ie

The Competition and Consumer Protection Commission
PO Box 12585,
Dublin 1
Tel: 01 402 5500 or fax 01 402 5501
Website: www.consumerhelp.ie

Advertising Standards Authority
7 Herbert Street,
Dublin 2,
D02 K838
Tel: 01 613 7040 or Fax: 01 613 7043
E-mail: standards@asai.ie

Small Claims Courts Information is available from your local District Court Offices.

European commission online dispute resolution

Under EU Regulations Consumers who have a complaint about goods or services purchased online have a right to refer their complaint to an independent dispute resolution agency which can be accessed here.